Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The World Utopia

Introduction to Utopia

This planet is identical to our earth, and their levels of technology exceed our present day only by a few years. They are still lost on the wonders of UFO's and the mysteries of the Universe that have no means of explanation, and as ourselves wave off the fantastic as legend or hoax.

The Cities of Utopia are few, most the planets surface is preserved. The cities are domed to better control the weather within the city. All central emergency and law enforcement  are based in a tower at the cities center. Waste disposal and energy production, environment control, the courthouse, every major function of the city is based from the multiplex central tower.

In this time period officers still patrol the streets, and detectives try to get answers to clues. While outside the Cities, the wilderness grows. Wildlife outside the cities is rampant. Bizarre flesh eating creatures, and evolved wildlife. In spots here and there you may find a farm or a cluster of farms that raise livestock and work together in fort like enclaves defending against the wilderness to earn a living selling their products to the cities for goods and supplies. In the wilderness there is no law...

Rules of State changed to the boarders of the great cities. Ten miles beyond the giant spires of a Citadel (The central tower in a city) no law applies. Travelers across the wilds on the ground maintain their own laws and code. Many bands of criminals live in the Wastes, preying on travelers and raiding farms beyond the great cities.

Inside the city's, a more calm society evolves with science and technology. They trade and barter these goods with the "Outsiders and Off Worlders". These being those that live outside the City in the Wilds and wastes as well as those from other worlds close by in the Galaxy. The cities are giant structures built in the name of Science and Community. Housing the most advanced tools for crime prevention and Social Welfare. However, even in a peaceful advanced society, there are the few criminal minds that are born to the world.

Times are changing, with in the cities the public rotate government office much like in the way of jury duty. One week training of the systems, and they spend two weeks monitoring them. Every one has to serve, and this prevents governmental corruption as no one person is in control of the society at any given time. All political seats are automated positions that are monitored by a citizen as an acting political leader of a specific district. This in turn creates a rotating Council that assists in collecting and enacting on polled votes on laws and bills. They monitor everything for  the city including Welfare and Imports and Exports, tariffs and taxes.

Every citizen has access to a home console, where they access the internet and the cities CITIZEN CONNECTION INTERFACE (C.C.I.) where they can suggest laws tariffs bills and adjustments on law. Place votes and see current events and items for purchase in the cities vaults. The vaults contain trade items purchased by the city at low costs and then resold to the citizens at below regular costs, saving the community money.

All people are housed either for their job or schooling as a form of payment. The housing is based on the size of the individual family units size. Schooling is a paid profession by the government if you sign a contract to work for the government agencies after graduation.

Still in this balanced world, you have the Off Worlders, and the outsiders... the cities boom with many types of people and it keeps the local authorities busy. A single city can be home to over 10 million people in one contained area.

Technology is announcing new advances in flight to the public within the city, and are beginning to reveal new security systems and forms of public transport to and from other major city's. As of now there are Airbus transports coming and going from the Docking Houses. They look like giant harrier jets turned into and armored boxcar. Gun ports on the sides. Each one had four crew, two side gunners, and a pilot and co-pilot manning top and bottom gun turrets, to protect them in flight from city to city. Outside in the wilds, they are known to use vehicles that run on any number of types; gas powered, electric, solar, water powered and steam.

Strange looking behemoth Movers that carry family's of traveler gypsy's across the wilds from city to city. Where they can stop along the way and perform and sell junk to farms and bandit camps outside of the rule of the great cities. Many criminals or renegades. Some refusing to live in the Collective of the inner city. Many did not want to conform to the cities rules and moved to the wilds for freedom.

At the Docks, both Space, Air and Ground transports come and go from the city. All vehicles are scanned by the CORP or Corporate Police. These are security that is employed by the companies that do trade in and out of the city, the local government holds them responsible for paying for the city's Entrance Security as lease on the Dock Area's.

The hustle and bustle of a Galactic trading center on the brink of evolving to the next step...All of which is watched over by the Protectors of the City's, the Federal Badges. They are the ones to regulate the regulators, and even their bosses are in a rotation so that corruption within the system is impossible. All positions of power within the government are temporary and keeps the society in balance with the C.C.I. Voting system.

Those that hold power of any note are the Presidents of Corporations that monitor all incoming and outgoing traffic to the city. These are privately run and government monitored companies. They work in harmony with the city's Command center on all intercepts and reports. Welcome to the future.

Where the standard citizen lives a hazard free life with access to the best of everything as they work with one another in the field and in education to evolve the city's into a flourishing spot on the galactic map of trade and commerce. Work for yourself, work for the City, or work for the CORP.

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